Shine in the love of God's grace, every day.

At Cross Walk Church, it's our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in your family life. Join us each Sunday and experience the warmth of faith and the strength of our community.

Coming Soon!
Small group setting to help you become an overcomer and be victorious in your life.

What's New?

Welcome to Cross Walk

What Are Our Core Values?

Preach Christ crucified and He alone is the way, the truth and the life. To demonstrate there is no condemnation in Jesus; He loves you where you are in life, but Loves you enough to not leave you there. God is a life changing God. 

We are a non-denominational spirit filled Church that has been serving the community since 2012. Bringing the Good news of Jesus into your life one heart at a time. 


We Answer


December 1, 2024 New Location
Join us at 4453 Clintonville road, Waterford MI 48329. Sunday's at 10:30 AM.

Cross Walk 

What Do We Teach?

We are a Bible believing congregation, meaning we use both the Old and New Testament as the foundation for our faith and the inspiration for our daily lives. We put those teachings into practice at home and at work.